about taiji , we need to find a alive center axis. specially when you are connected with your enemy, you have to keep the stability of your axis and not to be affected by your enemy. we call it cho din jin 中定勁, that means center stable jin. you have to realize that it is an existence without anything real/solid inside. it's an invisible , imaginary axis. a snake like axis , can be bended /changed direction at each point/section.
to do taiji hua jin, the first precondition is to keep the existence of this axis at every moment. no matter how big force of you enemy used. no matter what direction , speed of it. find the right axis, you can change direction very easliy without any resistence. at this moment, you have real and alive taiji. or you only have movement , the apperance of taiji.
what is axis? it's the center axis of your car handler. you can change the direction of car with little move of your finger. for taiji , you should reach the same extent. when your axis is not in the right place, you can't move easily, and feel huge resistence.
during push hands, you need to notice this, the most importance thing. every taiji movement should be started base on this free axis. such that you should practice how to hua jin/dissolve jin as a most important thing. you should do taiji movement when your axis is not hit/suffering any strength. notice that, i mean the strength will not affect your axis. not the case , the strength not taked by rest of your body.
there comes a question, how to decide what the line between relax and tide.
有同學說他無法接我的手,原因是因為他不夠鬆,因為功夫不足,我倒是覺得他沒有調整好,並非不夠鬆,反而是有些地方要緊一點。我問他,皮球是鬆的嗎?? 他說不能說是鬆的。我說對呀!球皮是一種具備完整性而柔韌的狀態,非鬆非緊,是一種整體來看的東西,有彈性,完整,而有相當的承受能力,這才是太極該有的狀態。孤陰不長,孤陽不生,太極是種恰到好處的揉和狀態,即使是受力之下,也要維持那表面張力的平衡能力。太極用來化,用來發都是在這個表面張力之下來操作的。
one student talk to me that he can't take my strength because he is not loose enough. he think he is too tide. I ask him what do you thing about the the ball. is it loose or tide? he said that it is not loose and not tide. i said , yeah, it contain tide and loose at the same time and keep the integrity, flexability, ability to bearing weights. this is the taiji state we want. single yin陰 will die, single yan陽 will not live. it's a proper combination about yin and yan. even under the strengh, you should keep the surface tension like the ball. any taiji tachnique to trigger or to defence is based on this surface tension.
    taiji 中定 中定勁
    創作者 passager111 的頭像

    太極之路 Path to Taiji

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