push hands is a taiji technique but it's jus half a taiji. it remove the hit. it is designed to protect the students. but lose some technique also.
after practicing push hands, you should practice hit hands. learn to do push hands during the "hit" practice. don't have to do real hitting. but allowing to hit during the practice. let you are able to learn how to hit at the first contact.
taiji must do hua(化)/dissolve before every hit. however, during the fighting it is very difficult to practice hua. Hua must be done in 0.1 seconds. for the beginner, it is very difficult.
such that we have the way to practice hua, it is called feed jing, 餵勁,just like you feed the food to a baby. it shoud be slow and little by little at the beginning.
we extend the time of hua from 0.1 second to 2 second. let the person to practice hua more easier. for push hand, you should focus on hua , it's not about moving your foot or not.
after pacticing push hands, you should go back to the practice of hit hands. to practice hua at the first contact, how to do hua , how to do fa(trigger jin). at the same time , you need to notice that not to be hit by your enemy. in this way , you have a full set of taiji practice.
no matter how big the force is , if you step back two steps, it will reduce most of it. many people practice push hands will forget this. and try to push his enemy no matter what.
    太極 推手 taiji push hand

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